G7 Platform for Net-zero and
Well-being in Life

Zerofy Carbon Tracking app

United States
Case study of Zerofy

Zerofy is an automated, real-time and holistic carbon tracking app for households.

In contrast to a one-time carbon calculator, the app continuously logs user's activities and caluclates carbon emissions. Logging is donne automatically: transportation with phone's motion sensors, energy withs mart meters and IOT, and spedning with open banking (transaction analysis). AI is used to classify activities, from the activity type emissions are caluclated.

The app then proposes actions to reduce emissions. Actions are ranked by personal profile and ranked by impact.

The app is live in 7 European countries and the USA, and has been covered in media outlets such as FastCopmany and ZDNet.


United States

Name of Organization


Further information

Zerofy carbon tracking app for iOS: zero-carbon life with automated CO2 tracking for households
https://zerofy.net/app.htmlOpen in New Window