G7 Platform for Net-zero and
Well-being in Life

Demand Response for Households

SB Power Corp.
Case study of SB Power Corp.

“Demand Response for households” is a behavior-changing demand response service that encourages customers to save energy through a dedicated smartphone app. By implementing this service, utilities can either restrict or shift household peak electricity demand, while simultaneously reducing household CO2 emissions. Since this service is a packaged product, power companies can implement it in a short period and at a low cost.

Household users can easily join the demand response program by simply tapping “Join” in the app. Users can immediately check the results of their power-saving efforts the next day. If successful, they earn rewards, save on energy costs in a gamified manner, and simultaneously contribute to decarbonization activities. This app is integrated with a QR code payment service, so users can easily use the rewards they’ve earned through QR code payments.

SB Power Corp., the third-largest electricity retailer in terms of electricity sales volume in Japan excluding the nine major utilities, offers this service to its own customers. As of the end of March 2023, this service is being used by 1.2 million households who are customers of SB Power. In the fiscal year 2022, the service reduced CO2 emissions by 9,400 tons, equivalent to the annual CO2 emissions produced by approximately 3,400 households. Furthermore, this service has been adopted by six major energy utilities in Japan. The total number of households using this service across all energy utilities exceeds 3 million. This establishes it as the largest demand response service for households in Japan.



Name of Organization

SB Power Corp.

Further information

https://www.sbpower.co.jp/?lang=enOpen in New Window