G7 Platform for Net-zero and
Well-being in Life


Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
Case study of Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.

・Sompo Japan Insurance asks our customers to consider choosing web-based policies or terms and conditions when they purchase automobile insurance and using recycled parts for car accident repairs. The cost savings are used to fund biodiversity conservation projects called “SAVE JAPAN Project”.
・This project started in 2011, after CBD COP 10 took place in Aichi, Japan, and has over 10 years of history in partnership with Japan NPO Center, regional NPO support centers, and local environmental groups.
・We have succeeded in conserving 300+ endangered species across the nation with a total of 62,000+ multi-stakeholders’ participation.
・In the new phase of SAVE JAPAN Project, we will support projects that contribute to 30 by 30, such as Eco-DRR (Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction) and OECMs (Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures).
・We believe that this will lead to developing disaster resilient sustainable society, and decarbonization at the same time to realize our brand slogan, “Innovation for Well-being”.



Name of Organization

Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.

Further information

SAVE JAPAN プロジェクト | 全国のNPOと地域住民、損保ジャパンによる「いきものが住みやすい環境づくり」
https://savejapan-pj.net/Open in New Window